Lookahead Planning: The Missing Link in Production Control

Glenn Ballard1

1Glenn Ballard is a founding member of IGLC, a construction industry consultant, and a Lecturer in the Construction Engineering and Management Program, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California at Berkeley.


Lookahead planning is one of the decision functions that constitute production control systems. It stands between overall project coordination schedules and short term crew level commitments, shaping work flow and screening out scheduled activities that “should” but cannot be done and thereby improving the success rate of completing the tasks assigned in weekly and daily plans. When measured against such objectives, current industry lookahead planning is poorly performed. A case study is presented to illustrate current procedures and performance, and suggestions are offered for improvement.


lean construction, lookahead, production control



Ballard, G. 1997. Lookahead Planning: The Missing Link in Production Control , 5th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 13-26. doi.org/

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