This paper proposes a model to integrate safety analyses as part of performing production planning and control in construction projects. The model takes a system view of accidents, implying that hazardous situations occur due to characteristics of the construction production system. In the model, a joint effort is described to prevent accidents in which safety risk analyses are carried out as part of dealing with short term operative and longer term strategic production planning. In the case company, which is one of the major Scandinavian construction and real estate development companies, Last Planner has successfully been applied to handle the work flow on the construction site. At the same time, the company has put forward an objective to remove four out of five injuries by the end of 2015, including all subcontractors and hired workers. To fulfill this objective, knowledge and insights are needed on a number of levels to develop and implement adequate interventions. In this paper, we look at safety performance at the sharp end. Statistics are used on injuries collected from all construction projects in the company, to gain clear insight into the types of injuries occurring on the construction site, the factors affecting the likelihood of injuries and the frequency of injuries among different groups of workers. To diminish the effects of hazardous situations and reduce the emergence of injuries on the construction site, a model is proposed to integrate safety analyses with systematic planning of production progress.
Safety and quality, production planning and control
Aslesen, S. , Sandberg, E. , Stake, S. & Bølviken, T. 2013. Integrating Safety Analyses in Production Planning and Control - a Proposal, 21th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 843-852.
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