The availability and condition of Indonesia’s road infrastructure is far from adequate to sustain the national economic development. One option to improve the state of road services is to seek funding from the private sector. Owners play a central role in construction including in the integration of supply chains. Unlike in public projects, a private company as the owner of a toll road project has more flexibility and strategic role in better managing its construction supply chains. To obtain a portrait on road construction supply chain management practices by these private owners, a multiple case study was performed on three companies constructing toll roads in Java Island between 2009-2010. The exploratory study involved interviews with project managers to identify the traditional practices and innovative ways in managing their construction supply chains. The study focused on investigating several aspects supporting the successful project management with reinforced role of the owner. Findings showed that there were distinctive practices of managing the construction supply chains among the three cases. The distinguishing factors were the company culture, the expertise and progressive characteristics of managers and supporting staffs. Reinforced role of an owner could be effective in improving the project performance when the top management recognizes the potential value and implement strong leadership.
Private owner, supply chains, management, road, construction, infrastructure.
Wirahadikusumah, R. D. & Sulistyaningsih, D. 2013. The role of owners in the supply chains of highway construction projects: An overview of indonesian cases, 21th Annual Conference of the International Group for Lean Construction , 185-194.
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