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IGLC 5 - Gold Coast, Australia 1997
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Aiming the Lean Enterprise The "Plano 100" Case
Antonio Sergio Itri Conte and Frederico Augusto Martinelli
Towards Lean Design Management
Lauri Koskela, Glenn Ballard and Veli-Pekka Tanhuanpää
Lookahead Planning: The Missing Link in Production Control
Glenn Ballard
Process Improvement of the Building Services Engineering Industry: The Transatlantic Challenge
Charles Fowler
Application of the Lean Production Concept to Improving the Construction Planning Process
Olusegun O. Faniran, Jacob O. Oluwoye and Dennis Lenard
Doing Lean Construction and Talking About Lean Construction
David Seymour, John Rooke and Darryll Crook
Aa Lean Approach to Construction: an Historical Case Study
Michael Horman, Russell Kenley and Victor Jennings
Importance of Site Conditions and Capacity Allocation for Construction Cost and Performance: A Case Study
W.J. O'Brien, M.A. Fischer and B.H. Akinci
Constructional Steelwork: A Strategy for Change by 2005
Charles Fowler and Colin Gray
Contracting for Lean Performance: Contracts and the Lean Construction Team
Robert Miles and Glenn Ballard
Preplanning: A Rewarding Experience
Virgilio A. Ghio, Ernesto Valle and Leonardo Rischmoller
Discrete-Event Simulation of Lean Construction Processes
Iris D. Tommelein
Indicators of Design and Documentation Deficiency
Paul A. Tilley, Adam Wyatt and Sherif Mohamed
Development of Construction Work Methods and Detailed Production Planing for on-Site Productivity Improvement
Virgilio A. Ghio
Benchmarking - a Tool for Lean Construction
Marton Marosszeky and Khalid Karim