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IGLC 11 - Virginia, USA 2003
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Signal Detection Theory: Enabling Work Near the Edge
T.S. Abdelhamid, B. Patel, G.A. Howell and P. Mitropoulos
Six-Sigma in Lean Construction Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
Tariq S. Abdelhamid
A Production Planning Support System for Construction Projects
Luis F. Alarcon and Rodrigo Calderon
Strategic Issues in Lean Construction
Joao C. Almeida and Guillermo F. Salazar
Buffering and Batching Practices in the HVAC Industry
Thais da C.L Alves and Iris D. Tommelein
Kanban in Construction
Roberto Arbulu, Glenn Ballard and Nigel Harper
Guidelines for the Improvement of Design, Procurement and Installation of Elevators Using Supply Chain Management Concepts
Marcelo M.B. Azambuja and Carlos T. Formoso
An Update on Last Planner
Glenn Ballard and Gregory A. Howell
Development Framework of an Artificial Intelligence Planner Framework for Bespoke Precast Concrete Production
Vacharapoom Benjaoran and Nashwan Dawood
Avoiding and Managing Chaos in Projects
Sven Bertelsen and Lauri Koskela
Complexity - A New Way of Understanding Construction
Sven Bertelsen
Construction as a Complex System
Sven Bertelsen
Object Oriented Information Modelling for Use in Lean Construction
Jakob Brondsted, Pernille Walloe and Knud Bindslev
Information Flow Integrated Process Modeling
Qian Chen, David K.H. Chua and Yuanbin Song
Guidelines for Conception, Implementation and Use of Performance Measurement Systems in Construction Companies
Dayana B. Costa and Carlos T. Formoso
New Paradigm in Concrete Products Production
John T. Dean and Nash Dawood
Measuring Lean Conformance
J.E. Diekmann, Josh Balonick, Mark Krewedl and Lou Troendle
An International Comparison of the Delivery Process of Power Distribution Equipment
Jan A. Elfving, Iris D. Tommelein and Glenn Ballard
Learning to Think and Detail From First (Leaner) Principles
Stephen Emmitt
Using Buffers to Manage Production: A Case Study of the Pentagon Renovation Project
Michael J. Horman, John I. Messner, David R. Riley and Michael H Pulaski
The Marriage of CPM and Lean Construction
Bob Huber and Paul Reiser
An Experience of Introducing Last Planner Into a Uk Construction Project
Erik Johansen and Geoff Porter
Non Value-Adding Activities in Building Projects: A Preliminary Categorization
Per-Erik Josephson and Lasse Saukkoriipi
An IT Tool for Managing the Product Development Process
Michail Kagioglou, Song Wu, Ghassan Aouad, Angela Lee, Racel Cooper and Andrew Fleming
Enablers for Concurrent Engineering in Construction
John M. Kamara
An Open Building Strategy for Converting Obsolete Office Buildings to Residential Uses
Stephen Kendall
Achieving Change in Construction
Lauri Koskela, Glenn Ballard and Greg Howell
A Trade Union's View of the Building Process
John Larsen, Gunde Odgaard and Sidse Buch
Reliability and Stability Buffering Approach in Concurrent Design and Construction Projects
Sang Hyun Lee, Feniosky Pena-Mora and Moonseo Park
Knowledge Management and Its Appication to Lean Construction
Yu-Cheng Lin and H. Ping Tserng
Assessing Design Practices on Affordable Housing Projects in Mexico Using Lean Concepts
Jose H. Loria-Arcila, Alcides Garcia-Garcia and Jorge A. Vanegas
Linguistic Action: Contributing to the Theory of Lean Construction
Hal Macomber and Gregory A. Howell
The Challenge: The Impetus for Change to Lean Project Delivery
Remo Mastroianni and Tariq Abdelhamid
Aligning the Lean Organization: A Contractual Approach
Owen Matthews, Gregory A. Howell and Panagiotis Mitropoulos
Modeling the Impact of Multiskilling and Concrete Batch Size in Multi-Story Buildings
Sergio Maturana, Luis Fernando Alarcon and Marcel Deprez
Application of Tolerance Analysis and Allocation to Work Structuring: Partition Wall Case
Colin Milberg and Iris D. Tommelein
Client Requirement Management in Building Projects
Luciana I.G. Miron and Carlos T. Formoso
Workers at the Edge: Hazard Recognition and Action
Panagiotis Mitropoulos, Gregory A. Howell and Paul Reiser
Design for Manufacture and Assembly
Christine L. Pasquire and Gary E. Connolly
Construction Supply Chains: Turkish Supply Chain Configurations for Cut and Bent Rebar
Gul Polat and Glenn Ballard
Benchmarking Management Practices in the Construction Industry
Ricardo Ramirez R., Luiz Fernando Alarcon C. and Peter Knights
3D Modeling and Real-Time Monitoring in Support of Lean Production of Engineered-to-Order Precast Concrete Buildings
Rafael Sacks, Burcu Akinci and Esin Ergen
Applying Visual Management on Mobile Cell Manufacturing: A Case Study on Drywall Technology
Luciano Moser and Aguinaldo dos Santos
A Study About Application and Refinement of a Production Strategy Formulation Model in a Building Company
Ana Paula S. Santos, Dimas de C. e Silva Neto and Jose de Paula Barros Neto
Increasing the Understanding of Lean Principles With Advanced Visualization Technologies
Bo Tan, Michael J. Horman, John I. Messner and David R. Riley
Experience and Results From Implementing Lean Construction in a Large Danish Contracting Firm
Mikkel Andreas Thomassen, Dag Sander, Kristine Ann Barnes and Anni Nielsen
Application of Lean Construction Principles in Product Development Process Modelling
Patricia Tzortzopoulos and Mike Kagioglou
Value of Visibility and Planning in an Engineer-to-Order Environment
Kalyan Vaidyanathan
Understanding Construction Supply Chains: A Multiple Theoretical Approach to Inter-Organizational Relationships in Construction
Ruben Vrijhoef, Lauri Koskela and Hans Voordijk
Cycle-Time Contributions of Hyper-Specialization and Time-Gating Strategies in Us Residential Construction
Kenneth D. Walsh, Anil Sawhney and Howard H. Bashford
Value-Based Management in the Supply Chain of Construction Projects
Soren Wandahl and Erik Bejder
Dynamic States of Project Purpose: Transitions From Customer Needs to Project Requirements - Implications for Adaptive Management
Michael Whelton and Glenn Ballard
Relationship Between Productivity and Non Value-Adding Activities
Ying Zhao and David K.H. Chua
Comparing Process Improvement Initiatives Based on Percent Plan Complete and Labour Utilization Factors
Vijay R. Chitla and Tariq S. Abdelhamid
A Line-of-Balance Based Schedule Planning and Control System
Jouko Kankainen and Olli Seppänen